Chiltern Cold Storage

Chiltern Cold Storage

Chiltern Cold Storage

Prolite Projects meet the LED Upgrade Challenge at Chiltern Cold Storage Group.

You just can’t cut corners with the combination of LED lighting and temperature-controlled environments
John Davidson

Managing Director, Chiltern Cold Storage Group LTD


The lighting system that was in place at Chiltern Cold Storage Group, when the Prolite Projects team carried out their initial site survey, used power hungry light fittings that required frequent maintenance and offered a very poor light level. The light levels in all the different areas were much lower than required within a storage environment where quality product control checks are completed by the workforce on site several times a day.

John Davidson was very passionate about finding a unique, long term, sustainable solution that would improve lighting in all areas of the site. This included the offices, ambient warehouses, packing areas and also -22 degree Celsius storage areas.

The Requirement:

The Challenge that was brought to the Prolite projects team was how to raise the lighting Lux levels significantly above the old system in all areas whilst showing a significant energy saving and a good return on investment for the site too!

After a full site evaluation, light modelling and site testing, the Prolite Projects team carefully selected multiple, highly efficient, LED products from the Prolite range to recommend for installation at the site. These luminaires were selected to combine state-of-the-art occupancy monitoring sensors and to optimise the ‘Co-efficiency of Performance’ (Also known as COP) saving that can be generated when combining LED lighting efficiency with cold store environments.

Good COP? When Prolite LED luminaires are used to replace less efficient light sources, typically metal halide or sodium lighting, there is an additional saving gained when used in refrigerated environments.

In addition to the lighting circuit’s reduced energy consumption, there will also be less power consumed by the cooling system to maintain the fitting to the desired temperature. This is due to the higher efficiency of the Prolite LED light fittings producing less waste heat that previously had to be removed by the refrigeration system.

The Solution:

An installation plan was devised by Prolite Projects team together with the installation team to minimise any disruption to Chiltern’s operations effectively splitting the project into five phases to complete the project within the required timescale but minimising interruption to daily work processes wherever possible.

The installation plan included using the most efficient state of the art control systems across all phases of the installation to give maximum energy savings and return on investment allowing lights to automatically dim up and down when human presence is detected.

The installation team worked in a number of areas outside normal operating hours, including weekend and evening work in some areas. This helped to minimise disruption to Chiltern’s operational processes. Prolite Projects even supplied LED mobile lighting tower solutions to assist operations in key areas to avoid any disruptions to Chiltern’s working day.

One of the Lighting designs put together by the Prolite Projects team

In total, over 500 fittings were installed across the site with minimal inconvenience and disruption to the site and workforce throughout their busy scheduled days.

Brett Virgin, Project Manager at Prolite Projects, who planned and oversaw the project was very pleased with the outcome:

“Chiltern Cold Storage Group’s LED lighting upgrade project is very impressive. All of the staff’s comments on light levels have been very positive and the project have given me a lot of personal satisfaction seeing it come to completion and seeing the massive improvements that we have been able to make. Chiltern have been a pleasure to work with along every step of the way.”

The LED upgrade that Chiltern Cold Storage Group have undertaken will deliver over £30,000 worthof energy saving per year on previous lighting costs alone. Savings are further enhanced with COP savings in the cold environments, reduced maintenance costs and much improved light levels throughout the site which is expected to reduce pick and pack errors significantly.

The LED lighting upgrade solution that has been installed has given Chiltern an increase in light levels of up to 400% and a massive energy saving increase through the combination of efficient luminaires and installation of a microwave sensor system of over 65% post installation. A 5-year product warranty supported by Prolite Projects will, in turn, guarantee that savings will be made into the future.

The LED lighting upgrade project has been hassle-free from start to finish. The staff, both on site and in the office, at Prolite Projects are professional and have a real keen eye for detail which is what the project demanded. The light level improvement and energy saving combination has been noticed by key staff in all departments around the busy site. The project has been a real win-win for Chiltern.
John Davidson

Managing Director, Chiltern Cold Storage Group LTD



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